California’s Strongest Man/Woman 2024

In Huntington Beach


California’s Strongest Man/Woman Competition

We are now entering the 22nd year of California’s Strongest Man & Woman. East Coast West Coast Strength Speed & Conditioning and Pro Strongman Scott Brengel will be promoting California’s Strongest Man/Woman in Huntington Beach, CA on March 30, 2024. The competition will begin around 10am (each event will last approximately 1 hour). The event will be sanctioned by Strongman Corporation and the top athletes will qualify for Regionals or Nationals.

Weigh ins: Early Weigh-ins Friday 10am to Noon at ECWC (2930 Grace Lane, Unit A, Costa Mesa, CA); Contest Day Weigh-ins begin at 8am.

Location Details:

PCH and Huntington St.

Across from Hilton at 21100 Pacific Coast Hwy

2024 Competitor List


Michelle Ma
Diana Flores
Aurora Baca
Nicole Hernandez
Malia Kessler
Roberta Solorzano
Diana Bautista
Tanairi Romano
Ginge Cox
Wendy Castaneda
Sandra Diaz
Bobbie Sotomayor

140 (Lightweight)
Amy Liew (LW)
Rachel Foss (LW)
Edna Ferrer (LW)
Jenna Kean (LW)
Brittney Gonzalez (LW)

Samantha Ridge (HW)
Nicole Hernandez (MW)
Casey Evers (HW)
Jennie Roberts (MW)
Pauline Mass (HW)
Amber Hadfield (MW)


u200 (Lightweight)
Aaron Talavera
Jonathan Mead
Nadia Stowers
Humberto Palomino
Brian Fox
Bryson Spilman
Ian McDonald
Alonzo Ponce
Isaac Lepe
Jonathan Bunnel
Jeremiah Paltridge
Calvin Law
Bobby Escamilla
Juvieg Gonzalez
Laurence Perido
Andrew Bynum
Jason Avalos

231 (Middleweight)
Andrew Mock
Alan Thrall
Grant Bigley
Ryan Hogan
Jonah Corrall
Arin Haghverdian
Ivan Carrier
Luis Lopez

Brandon Campbell
Steven Brown
David Self
Tristan Nunez
James Kesler
Fabian Cruz
Jonathan Beck
Eric Sachs
Ethan Erickson
Alexis Reyes
Vicente Molina
Neal Schulte
Greg Richardson

1) ***

Event information

In 2012, the Travel Channel’s Sand Masters came out to commemorate California’s Strongest Man by building a giant sand sculpture dedicated to the sport of strongman.

The events include:

  1. Circus Dumbbell Clean & Press (Choose between 2 weights, higher weight trumps) Men’s: LW 120/150, MW 140/180, HW 160/200; Women’s Novice 55, LW 65/85, Open 75/100) 60 secs, Max reps

  2. Keg Toss (5 Kegs) (Men’s: LW 20-25-30-35-40, MW 25-30-35-40-45, HW 30-35-40-45-50; Women’s Novice/LW 15-17.5-20-22.5-25, Open 17.5-20-22.5-25-30), 60 secs

  3. Conan’s Wheel – (Max Distance) (Men’s: LW 600, MW 700, HW 800; Women’s Novice 300, LW 350, Open 400)

  4. Farmer’s Walk – (100 ft.) (Men’s: LW 250, MW 280, HW 300; Women’s Novice 155, LW 175, Open 200), 60 secs

  5. Atlas Stone Carry & Load (3 stones 9-6-3 ft away) (Men LW 240/300/320, MW 300/320/340; HW 320/340/360) - 48 inches, 60 secs; (Women Novice 120/150/ 180; LW 150-180-200, Open 180/200/240) – 48 inches 60 secs

Additional information

For more information, contact: Scott Brengel at 714-423-3173 or email